Let's begin with a little refresher:
REFRESHER: PART 1, THE HORSEIn PART 1 of my social networking posts “SOCIAL NETWORKING…WHAT TYPE OF HORSE ARE YOU” (14Nov2009) I started
the analogy of a horse race and, in particular, I discussed the role of the horse.
The main points to note were that
the horse is YOU and
you are in a race to reach the
winning post, ie: YOUR CUSTOMER.
There are several levels of ‘horse’ - Reliable Donkey, Horse in the Field and Red Rum. You
identify who you are, who you want to be and who your customer expects you to be. For example, here at GA Interiors, as Interior Designers we have the customer expectation of opulence and finesse. We strive to be perceived as Red Rum – the top of our game.
We use social networking to build our image with the articles that we write. The articles showcase our knowledge, experience and professionalism BUT most importantly we show you our enthusiasm, drive and energy for our industry.
At GA Interiors we have customers frequently commenting on how inspirational we are to them and it’s because we showcase our energy, enthusiasm and the love we have for interior design. We enjoy our work and this exudes into our social networking which is then picked up by our customers.
THE JOCKEYToday, I’ll review PART2 of my social networking series, ie: The Jockey.
The jockey will be assisting you in the race to reach The Winning Post, ie: your customer.
As I said in my last post, the jockey is Social networking … or as I prefer to call it
SOCIAL MARKETING. I just love social marketing as a tool to reach the customer because you can really
FOCUS YOUR EFFORTS ON PUSHING THEIR BUTTONS. MARKETING STRATEGY: AIDA‘Pushing their buttons’ centres on the marketing principle of AIDA:
AIDA, also know as
‘The Hierarchy Of Effects’, is the original sales training acronym, from the late 1950’s, when selling was first treated as a professional discipline.
Social marketing works on the AIDA selling principle to grab your customer’s attention, sustain their level of interest, build their confidence in you and create a desire for your product/service so that they take action to contact you to make that all important sale.
Working with AIDA keeps your audience interested in what you’re doing so that they evolve a level of trust with you and your products or services. This level of trust assures them that you are not a cowboy and are in fact a reliable and reputable company.
MARKETING STRATEGY: INTERACTIVE MARKETINGSocial marketing is also interactive marketing where everything you do personifies your brand identity so that the customer learns more about you and your services every day. The more knowledge they have about you the deeper level of trust you can build with the customer.
People buy from people.People buy based on emotion not logic:- Pain 51%
- Fear 25%
- Current Pleasure 12%
- Future Pleasure 6%
- Interest 3%
- Curiosity 3%
With social marketing you build a level of trust with the customer as you address these emotions.
For example, at GA Interiors, our customer may be in actual physical pain with stress symptoms, such as headaches and depression, due to a cluttered home. Through social marketing we offer these customers examples and references to showcase how revitalising and pain free our de-cluttering services will be. We show them how we take away the pain, and often embarrassment, of living in a cluttered home. We show them how our services have changed the lives of people just like them - how they’re now stress free and pain free!
MARKETING STRATEGY: APPEAL TO SENSESThe beauty of interactive social marketing is that you’re
appealing to the customer’s senses, ie: Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, and Smell. You’re appealing to the customer on a highly personal level in a way THEY like to be reached.
Remember - People buy from people.
To appeal to your customer’s senses you need several mediums in your social marketing strategy, eg: if a customer likes the cinema then you could produce a video for them on YouTube, if they prefer audio then produce a PodCast and if they prefer to read you’d produce a Blog.
The language you use can also appeal to the customer’s senses, eg: ‘Silky Smooth’ would appeal to the sense of Touch, ‘Succulent and Juicy’ would appeal to Taste whereas ‘Heavenly Fragranced’ would appeal to Smell. Also, ‘Listen up’ would appeal to Sound whereas ‘See this’ would appeal to Sight.
MARKETING STRATEGY: TARGET MARKETINGAppealing to a customer’s senses is critical because that’s how you subtly hook them in to you and your brand.
Remember – AIDA (Action, Interest, Desire, Action).
Social marketing is
target marketing because you’re making your
brand appeal to specific customers in a way that they can relate to. MARKETING STRATEGY: DRIP FEED MARKETINGWith interactive social marketing
we’re not talking about a big hit between the eyes. It’s not a traditional bill board poster!
You’re building a slow and nurtured relationship with the customer, it’s
‘Drip Feed Marketing’ – it’s a soft sell. Slowly, day by day, you showcase your knowledge and experience. You offer industry articles that they find interesting, eg: Top Tips and How To articles. This is supported with personal references from your customers, association to other groups, professional editorials in industry publications and speaking opportunities in your field of expertise.
MARKETING STRATEGY: ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS THE EXPERT To the customer - social marketing is free information. To you - social marketing showcases your breadth of industry expertise, knowledge and professionalism.
Social marketing
establishes you as THE EXPERT - Red Rum (the horse that won 3 Grand Nationals). Or, as with GA Interiors, the interior designer that's been published in several national publications. It's not just us and our client recommendations that say we're the expert but also national magazines have honoured our efforts by showcasing our work.
The free information that you offer to your customers, backed up with glowing references and examples of how they can apply your products/services, elevates you as the centre of knowledge.
You’re the person they want to be seen with.This perception of knowledge not only elevates your character but also your corporate brand. This in turn gives the customer the confidence that you know your area of expertise…you can solve their problem…you are the leader…you are Red Rum.
TAKING ADVICEOf course we need to remember that, as customers ourselves, we only ever take advice when we’re ready to accept it.
97% of customers have a need, but not now! We take on board what’s said to us each day and then when we have an application or a need for the product or service we’re in a position to make a judgement call on the individual company and take action.
The more information we have about a company the better judgment we can make, not only about the products or services, not only about the company, but also about the individuals.
Remember – People buy from people.I termed social marketing as the Jockey because without it you could still reach the winning post, ie: the customer, and finish the race BUT….you’re far more prepared and efficient with a professional and skilled jockey alongside you.
A jockey will optimise a horse’s skills and abilities!
Interactive Social Marketing will showcase your company’s knowledge, achievements and professionalism inline with AIDA.
Now, it must be remembered that in order to win the race you have to showcase your company: - in what you do
- in the way that you present it
- in the words that you use
IN WHAT YOU DO?Social marketing should be in your corporate marketing strategy so that you give a consistent message to your customer. It needs to be clear who has the authority to post, blog and tweet.
In some companies there is a mystery writer. This negates the need for a single person and makes social marketing a shared task. Be aware though that as a shared task the message to the customer must be consistent for the company and not personal to the individual.
As well as being consistent in content you should also be consistent with frequency.
It’s important to give time to social marketing and treat it like any other marketing tool and strategy.
You need to optimise it into your daily or weekly routine. You also need to plan what you’re going to publish. For example, Decluttering is high on the interior design agenda for Spring whereas we’d be talking about Sparkle and Glamour for Christmas. Remember, keep your message and frequency consistent.
IN THE WAY THAT YOU PRESENT IT?Consideration to the way that you present your social marketing is linked to your corporate branding. If you are in the music industry then you may focus on auditory whereas interior design is extremely visual.
Your corporate brand and the way that you present that brand, through social marketing, highlights your industry specialism.
This is not to forget though that we always need to focus on the customer’s senses and offer them a variety of mediums to link with us and follow us.
You should consider both formal (LinkedIn) and informal (Facebook) mediums to reach your target customer. What would they use and how would they prefer to receive communications from you? Remember, keep the format of what you present consistent with your corporate brand and industry expectations.
IN THE WORDS THAT YOU USE?List 3 words of how you want your customer to perceive you and use these words to build your brand.
Incorporate these words into your social marketing strategy with everything that you write.
That’s not to say that you use the same 3 words over and over again, but the essence of what you want to say should come across.
For example, if you want to show professionalism then you would refrain from foul or inappropriate language.
Being in the creative interior design industry, my language can veer on the edge of floaty and aspirational because I create THE DREAM for my customers.
Remember - Be consistent in what you say and how you say it.
BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MARKETINGYou should now understand the benefits of social marketing:
- AIDA marketing strategy
- Interactive marketing strategy
- Appeal to Customer Senses
- Target market strategy
- Drip Feed marketing strategy
- Establish you as Expert
- Highly Variable
- Low Cost, High Impact
MAIN POINTS TO CONSIDERYou should also be aware of the main points to consider
- Consistent message
- Consistent frequency
- Consistent branding
- Industry Expectations
- Consistent use of language
- Integrated into marketing strategy
PART 3 – THE TRAINERIn my next post, PART 3: ‘SOCIAL MARKETING…THE TRAINER’ I’ll discuss tools and strategies that support social marketing, eg: Website and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
THE TRAINER prepares us for the race.
I’d love to receive your personal comments for this Blog posting and please fell free to pass it on with the following caveat:
This article is the property of
GA Interiors
If you have any specific questions on this topic then just contact us as we'd love to hear from you:
Tel: 07841 519802