Did you know that, according to US research, you can
live approximately 6.7 years longer by being a little more creative?
Being creative isn’t just about hands on techniques such as knitting or sticky-backed plastic, it also relates to movement and music such as a good old boogie at the Xmas works do!
anything that frees up your mind to think. In one of my previous thoughts for the day I asked if you
think about thinking. This isn’t as crazy as it sounds because you need to give your mind space to think and prepare for those creative thoughts.
This morning I went running to clear my thoughts and declutter my mind of the endless Christmas list that I need to achieve in the next few days.
Sure we’re all busy people but sometimes it takes just a few minutes to clear your mind and create that space for inspirational thoughts and ideas that will kick start you into positive action.
If you find it difficult to clear your mind then maybe
you need to become a daydream believer?
It’s a way of dipping into your unconscious mind to make space for those creative thoughts, produce some original ideas, link together thoughts and ideas as well as make sense of concepts.
There are
3 ways of getting into this state of reverie (
1) RELAXThis is where you quieten your mind and stop conscious thinking. The focus should be concentrated on your breathing.
For example, this is an exercise I used with my children when they were younger and had been excitedly charging around all day:
Imaging filling up an imaginary jug with the air that you breathe in. Make sure that you take deep breaths from the pit of your stomach so that the jug is filled to the very top.
Imaging emptying the imaginary jug of the air as you breathe out. Make sure that you exhale slowly and empty your lungs completely.
Breathe in deeply – hold for a second – breathe out deeply – wait for a second….
As your breathing slows your focus heightens and you experience a sense of relaxation.
VISUALISE A SPECIAL LOCATIONThis is a visualised setting where you can relax and think clearly, somewhere you feel comfortable and safe. It can be a real place or imagined.
For example, this is visualisation that I use with my son when he has trouble sleeping because his head is buzzing with thoughts:
Imagine you’re on a soft sandy beach with the waves gently lapping and the sun shining down. There’s a boat in the distance that gets nearer with every in breath.
As the boat reaches the beach you get up and pick up a box that’s just next to you – it’s a box of your worries – and you put it into the boat. There may be a few boxes of varying sizes so you put them all into the boat.
As you sit back down on the beach you watch the boat get further and further away with every out breath. It gets smaller and smaller, your worries get smaller and smaller, until the boat disappears off the horizon.
You lie down on the soft supporting sand with the sun warming your heart and gently drift into a state of total relaxation.
3) INTRODUCE A CREATIVE GUIDEThis is someone that we trust, value and respect. It is someone that is wise and original. It can be a real person or an imaginary friend. Our creative guide may respond to us verbally, give us an object or show us an image.
For me, my creative guide is the people that I interact with each day. This may be friends and family or someone in my online social network group.
I’ve always felt like a sponge and have a great thirst for knowledge. I love quirky things, new ideas and taking myself ‘out of the box’. I’m a fan of self-development and have always loved the psychology of life.
All of these 3 processes require us to use all of our senses to bring ideas to life as much as possible. By using sight, sound, touch, smell and taste we make the experience richer and more engaging.
Be more creative and live approximately 6.7 years longer.
Share your thoughts with me today,Gwendoline.
Tel: 07841 519802