Thursday, 28 January 2010
My Life
"This year I'm celebrating 25 years since I moved down to the Sunny South from the persistently precipitating Pennines.
After achieving a degree in Business Studies, down in sunny Bournemouth, I moved to Hatfield to take up a position in IT. 3 company moves later and I'd made my way up to senior management. I was managing global projects, large teams and budgets in the millions.
But it wasn't enough. There was something missing.
When my father died of cancer, a week after my son was born, I decided it was time to take stock. Every spare minute I spent studying Interior Design with a prestigious London college. When I achieved Distinction in my exams I realised that I had a natural talent, flair and a passion for Interior Design.
It was then that I heard about Ann Maurice, the celebrity House Dr on the telly, who whizzes around people's homes taking them from shocking to striking. Fortunately for me she was offering a training course in London so I booked myself on and am now a House Dr consultant as well as an Interior Designer.
For you, this means that I'm professionally trained to undertake a quick and economic makeover as well as rip your homes apart and rebuild them into palatial palaces to fulfill all your dreams.
I work with divorced couples who need an independent person to prepare their homes for sale, families who haven't decorated for 20 years, couples staying put and extending until the economy improves, as well as single professionals and many, many more.
I consider myself to be a lifestyle designer because my focus is to create you stunning homes that work around your daily life.
I create a retreat for you, your haven - a place where you can relax and unwind - your perfect home."
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Public Speaking - A Beautiful Princess
Gwendoline has been asked to prepare a speech number 6 to showcase the skill of vocal variety.
Your voice has a major effect on your audience. A lively, exciting voice attracts and keeps listeners attention. A speaking voice should be pleasant, natural, forceful, expressive and easily heard. You need to focus on volume, pitch, rate and quality as well as appropriate pauses to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message. Your voice should reflect the thoughts you are presenting.
Here's Gwendoline's speech that she'll be presenting tonight. We'll keep you posted on how it goes:
Imagine a girl, barely 17, a beautiful princess with chocolate drop eyes, peachy skin and raven black hair. She's the life and soul of the party. With her raucous laugh, she's loved by everyone.
BUT, like every good fairy story, she has a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark secret! Something she's never told anyone before!!
As she trudges home her shoulders start to slump and her head bows down. It's started already - the anxiety, the gloom and misery.
She reaches the front door and opens it wide, the depression whips around her legs and starts to stifle her!
She steps inside - the pain, the searing pain!! The headache, the nausea, the migraine, the sickness, the sadness, the stress.
BUT, this is no fairy story, this is real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I enter her home I pick my way up the stairs. I feel the depression oozing out of the walls, the sadness sliding up my legs and the cold stagnant air chilling my bones.
I push open her door and sidle my way inside. I'm greeted with a sea of stuff and a tower of tat - total chaos!
It's at this point that those of you with teenage children will tell me that it's normal not to see the bedroom floor.
(display line of bin bags)
From that floor I retrieved 27 bin bags of stuff. 27 bulging bin bags of stuff.
(display shoebox)
Plus, a shoe box stuffed with headache tables - all empty! A girl, barely 17, surviving off headache tablets!
Imagine a girl, barely 17, sat in a family sized car. Now imagine adding each bin bag one by one. One by one they're pushed and squeezed into every crevice, every nook and cranny.
The girl no longer sits upright, instead she's splattered against the car door, her face suckered to the window and totally contorted. Her neck is long and lean as she gasps for breath. She's being suffocated by all this stuff! The headaches, On No! The pain, the nausea.
A beautiful princess, with chocolate drop eyes, peachy skin and raven black hair - she's loved by everyone.
"From the start a beautifully dramatic evocative speech told with great feeling and actions."
"So dramatic and evocatively delivered creating quite a tension with the audience. I lost the polt a little. Consider what you'd like your audience to go away with. Your strong command of the floor and uninhibited gestures are a joy."
"Very good straightforward message created pictures that kept attention."
"Very powerful! You had us all hanging on your every word. Wonderful use of language and clear powerful descriptions. I was suprised at the sudden ending."
"Perhaps try to use more power in your voice. Good repetion - a girl barely 17."
"Passionate and well described. Great visionary. Bit depressing this I thought. Bit laboured and then the finish before I had time to take it in. Excellent otherwise."
"Your skills are very polished: gestures, props, modulation of voice! Just a small recommendation: prepare the audience for the end of the speech as it came as a bit abruptly and, personally, I wasn't ready for it yet."
"I found your arm movements a distraction. Good use of pauses."
"Awesome, simply awesome."
I was very pleased with my speech as it was enthusiastically received and I do appreciate the comments about the ending being abrupt.
When I saw that I was already at 5 minutes I did round the speech off so that I didn't overrun my 7 minutes slot. From the comments I received it sounds as if I cut it off rather than rounded it off!
Toastmasters ( is always a great learning environment. If you're a great speaker already then it can show you how to become a fantastic speaker. If you dread the thought of getting up in front of people then it's such a supportive group.
My next speech is all about researching a topic. It's going to be one of my crazy 'off the wall' subjects again that my audience won't be prepared for!
I'll keep you posted how it goes.
Tel: 07841 519802
Regular Slot On Radio Verulam
Such as the colour of the year according to Pantone, the leading expert in colour, being Turquoise. It's such a great colour as it mixes really well with neutrals such as Chocolate for a traditional style and also compliments Silver or grey for a more Contemporary setting. The ultimate uber chic style for Spring would be to mix it with white! Totally lush!
They also discussed the question, "Where do all the old sofas go?" This lead to the importance of recycling as much as possible, especially when the news is full of articles referencing families on the breadline. There are many places that sell your old items of furniture, and we're not just talking about the charity shops although they are the main outlet. You could also give your items away on Freecycle (
With so much information to share, Gwendoline's now been offered a regular slot with Danny Smith on the last Tuesday of each month (5:30 - 6pm GMT).
Each month we'll be bringing you a different aspect of interior design, from decluttering for Spring through to Xmas styling for the festive season.
So, keep your hears tuned to Radio Verulam (92.6 FM)
Don't forget, if you'd like Gwendoline to bring her design knowledge and experience to brighten your event then just get in touch.
Tel: 07841 519802
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Radio Verulam - Drivetime with Danny smith
She showed such a wide taste in music from Frank Sinatra to Kylie Minogue through to Mika and Queen. All given with interesting snippets from her life.
Gwendoline has now been asked to contribute to Radio Verulam's evening show, with Danny Smith, on her specialism of interior design.
Have your ears tuned to Radio Verulam (92.6FM) on Tuesday 26th January (5:30 - 6pm GMT) to hear the latest trends and top tips in interior design. It's a great way to catch up in the comfort of your own home or office.
Don't worry if you aren't near a radio as you can listen over the Internet - just checkout the website
If you'd like us to feature at one of your events then just GET IN TOUCH TODAY.*
Tel: 07841 519802
* Gwendoline is a member of Toastmasters International ( which is a highly acclaimed, global, public speaking organisation.
Interior Design - PERFECT PICTURE
With the top property websites online 24 hours a day and receiving thousands of hits per month it's just mind blowing when you think how many people could potentially view your property online.
How do you make your property ping onto a buyer's list for viewing?
How do you make your home 'Hot Property Of The Week'?
How do you entice the buyer to call into your home and make that all important sound "I'd like to make you an offer"?
Of course, at this preliminary stage it's through the property photographs and description.
Our first impressions of a property for sale, rightly or wrongly, are formed in the first few seconds of viewing those photographs.
From the photographs we make judgments such as:
How clean is the property
How comfortable is the property?
How suitable is it for my own needs?
How desirable is the owner's life?
In an economic downturn, buyers don't just want their wish list of bedrooms, garage and en-suite bathrooms, they also want The Dream - they want to live the lifestyle.
From the photographs they want to see that the property lives up to their expectations - they want it to reflect their dreams and aspirations.
It's a lot to ask from a snap taken at a single point in time but that photograph can mean the difference between a visit to the property or a 'Goodbye, no thank you'.
So, how can you create stunning photos? Impactive photos that entice the buyer to view your home instead of your neighbours.
The first important point is to understand who will be your key buyer.
Who do you want knocking on your door? What type of person(s) will be attracted to the size and location of your property? Where do they shop? Where do they work? What are their expectations?
Your local estate agent should have a clear idea of your key buyer as they are aware of the types of buyer(s) most suited to your property.
The second important point is to create a vignette, or stage, that will showcase the key buyer's expectations in the photographs.
For example, a mature couple is more comfortable with traditional styling whereas a young, single professional would expect a sleek and contemporary home.
As makeover experts, trained by the celebrity 'House Dr' Ann Maurice, we use industry recognised techniques to subtly and successfully create appealing areas of interest for stunning photographs of your property.
With our keen eye and extensive knowledge we create the basis for those attractive, highly appealing photographs that look great on the Internet. Our aim is to help you create eye-catching photographs to hook the buyers in to choose your home as Hot Property Of The Week.
CONTACT US TODAY to find out more about how we can create those desirable images for you through our PERFECT PICTURE STYING.
Tel: 07841 519802
Thought for the day...You can lead a horse to water!
With this in mind you should remember that just because you give someone information or professional advice doesn't mean that they are ready to accept it or act on it.
Your advice is most effective when it is given at a point in time that is meaningful to them. At a time when they can apply the information and take positive action. Otherwise, you need to drip feed the information until they are in a position to respond.
For example, our clients are suprised when they have recommended us to their friend and that friend has not been in touch immediately. We, however, are not suprised as we know that their friend will be in touch when they are ready to take our professional advice on board.
Remember: just keep putting the water out for the horse and it will drink when it's thirsty.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Interior Trends 1Q2010
Thought For The Day...Could Do Better
- She is a consistent worker who always gives of her best
- She always works well and cheerfully
- She has a very thoughtful approach to her work and always perseveres when the work becomes more difficult.
- She is capable of reaching the required standard, assuming she works hard.
- Her attitude and behaviour are excellent.
- A very capable student who always works to high standards.
Maybe you should take another look at your school report because mine are far more favourable than I remembered.
Have fun and let me know what comments you received.
Tel: 07841 519802
Latest Interior Design Trends with Radio Verulam
It was a fun filled session where Gwendoline shared with you her 14 favourite tunes and memories from her interesting life. She showed such a wide taste in music from Frank Sinatra to Kylie Minogue through to Mika and Queen. All given with interesting snippets from her colourful life.
Gwendoline has now been asked to contribute to Radio Verulam's evening show, with Danny Smith, on her specialism of interior design.
Have your ears tuned to Radio Verulam (92.6FM) next Tuesday 26th January 2010, 5:30 pm (GMT) to hear the latest trends and top tips in interior design. It's a great way to catch up in the comfort of your own home or office.
Don't worry if you aren't near a radio as you can listen over the Internet - just checkout the website
If you'd like us to feature at one of your events in 2010 then just GET IN TOUCH TODAY.*
Tel: 07841 519802
* Gwendoline is a member of Toastmasters International ( which is a globally recognised public speaking organisation.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Where does the clutter come from?
Will things be neatly away? Will there be space to move about? Will you find items on the floor and stacked on surfaces? Do you have to wiggle your way around stuff lying around the room?
Our homes reflect our lives and there are always times when our home is a little messier because our lives are so full and busy.
But did you know that there are other reasons why the mess accumulates?
These are the things that clog up our daily lives and cause a build up if not dealt with in a timely manner.
They include:
- the post
- the laundry
- shoes & coats
- everyday bags (briefcase, handbag, school bag, gym bag...)
For coats, shoes and bags there needs to be adequate storage in place to accommodate daily usage. There are so many storage options on the marketplace today that offer great solutions for all of our homes.
However, a solution is only great if everyone in the home uses it! Something may look fabulous in the shop but when in a home environment it's useless if it doesn't fit in with the needs of your family.
For example: young children are more likely to put their shoes in a 'dump' box rather than line them up neatly on a shoe rack.
It's important for the whole family to remember the saying: Everything in its place and a place for everything!
The second reason we accumulate things is all down to our CLUTTER PERSONALITY.
According to psychologist Gladeana McMahon there are deep emotional issues behind our reluctance to throw things out or clear up. We each have a clutter personality and for some people you may have a combination of personalities for different items in your life:
This is when you're reluctant to give items away because you've paid good money for it.
How many of you have an unworn item of clothing in your wardrobe with the price label still attached as it's never been worn, never will be worn and you're reluctant to give it away?
I have to admit to this. It wasn't until I had a colour consultation that I realised I hadn't worn the top because it was totally the wrong colour for me and my personality. Off to the charity shop it went.
To break this clutter cycle you have to appreciate that someone else will benefit from your item. It's not a waste to let it go because someone else will make good use of it and enjoy it.
Do you feel guilty throwing or giving away gifts from family and friends? Do you hoard the children's baby clothes in the loft or have their pictures oozing out of your home?
We all have items that are precious to us and we want to keep them. The solution is to review how you keep those memories alive.
For example, one of our customers decided to get rid of her grandmother's bureau that was clogging up her home but kept a small statue that's now displayed in pride of place.
For my own children, I've given them treasure boxes where they keep special items like their first baby outfit, school reports... They also have a scrap book where they keep precious pictures from their schoolwork - this means that we can throw away 99% of the books they come home with at the end of term.
For some people having lots of things around them brings a sense of security. It reminds them of home or a time when they were happy.
For others having material possessions symbolises wealth, ie: the more you have the more you feel you have achieved.
Collections show our emotional persona. It's easy to identify when a collection gets out of hand because the emphasis is on the quantity of items rather than the items themselves.
I love the Shaker philosophy that everything should be beautiful and functional. When a collection takes over the home it loses appeal and beauty, it's function starts to clutter the home and it becomes a distraction rather than an object of desire.
To break free from or control this clutter type you firstly need to recognise why you collect the items. Assess your collection(s) by asking yourself, if the house burnt down tomorrow what would you save? This helps you recognise what you are able to let go of.
Start by giving just one item away each week - and don't be tempted to replace it with a new item - this will help you recognise that you are in control of your life. The items remaining should be the things that have true meaning and a special place in your life.
Your home should also be much clearer and fresher after this exercise leaving you feeling invigorated and more relaxed.
Are you the type of person that thinks, "the minute I get rid of it, I'll need it" or "I'll keep that just in case". Maybe you live by the Brownie/Scout motto - Be Prepared.
Being prepared is about being resourceful rather than having everything around you to cover every eventuality. You need to 'let go' of any personal insecurities about being 'caught short'. I know this is easier said than done but the more you let go, the freer you will become.
The 'just in case' junkie tends to raise their head in an economic downturn because the feeling of not having things when needed can also come from a sense of deprivation. The feeling that you can't afford to let things go and if you have an elastic band now then you should save it and squirrel it away for when you need it!
Remember, you need to be resourceful and live your life for the here and now rather than looking at the 99% of things that might, and hopefully never will, happen.
This is linked to the Sentimental Saver but the items remind us of places and events rather than people we remember.
The items remind us of where we've been and the people we know.
When items become excessive it could be a sign of anxiety or trauma. The hoarding provides us with a safe and secure feeling. In times like these, you should consult professional help.
When we keep treasured items they should be 'in a place' that's organised. For myself and my children, we each have a treasure box and it's a great way to look back and remember whilst also being organised and clutter free.
Remember, you don't need to physically keep an item to remember it - you could just take a photograph of it.
Are you like me and just love rooting around in an antique shop or a junk shop to find that something unique, that piece of treasure! It's the feeling of uncertainty and surprise that's exciting.
When this gets out of hand and you start hoarding items it could be because the items give you a feeling of luck or protection against bad things happening.
It's time for you to ask yourself if you really need it before you buy it. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that posessions don't make you happy or stop things from happening. Be strict with yourself and dream of a holiday you could have with the money you save.
It's daunting reading these personality traits and my aim was to make you realise that your life experiences to date and your life as you live it now all lead to clutter unless we keep a check on it.
Of course, if you need a little help then just contact our declutter queen, Gwendoline (creative Interior Designer, GA Interiors).
Tel: 07841 519802
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Thought for the day...Are you standing still?
Baz Luhrmann
Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer.
Design Course...Create A Stunning Home
Mrs Russell
A stunning home is a nurturing home because it makes you feel good to be there.
We all want our homes to be a retreat. We want to create a sanctuary where we can relax with family and friends or take time out in calm and tranqility.
Our home is our individual space where we can express our personalities; it showcases our personal style and flair.
One of the comments our exasperated clients present us with is,"It's just not working!"
This is when a client has the design ideas of what they want to achieve but when they create the room it doesn't meet their expectations. The room doesn't sucessfully express their personality or showcase their style and ideas. There's something missing!
Our 2-hour seminar is designed to share with you our industry top tips for styling your home. It's the finishing touches, the nuances of styling, that can make or break a good design.
Styling a room pulls the interior design together to create a cohesive and relaxing room.
Our 'Create A Stunning Home' seminar is a fun-filled, lively and interactive session so that you'll go home with basic skills and technical knowledge to WOW your friends. You'll be able to style your homes to perfection and create that relaxing and inviting environment you seek.
Each seminar has a limited number of places so that we can give you and your friends our individual attention.
Seminar Price: £35
Seminar Date: 18th May 2010
Seminar Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Seminar Place: St Albans, Hertfordshire
To secure your place on this unique and invaluable seminar, REGISTER TODAY with our creative designer Gwendoline:
Tel: 07841 519802
Design Course..Maximise A Small Room
Mrs Creswell
Like Mrs Creswell, do you have an awkward space or a challenging room? In our 2-hour seminar we'll share with you our industry top tips on how to optimise and maximise that space.
Maybe your children are crammed into a box room? We'll show you how to successfully store all of their possessions and have room to play.
Perhaps you've just moved into a new property or maybe you're remodelling your existing home? We'll take you through our easy designer steps to make the most of your living space and create your stylish home.
Our 'Maximise A Small Room' seminar is a fun-filled learning session for you and your friends to gain an insight into the design considerations for smaller or awkward spaces.
It will help you understand how we as interior designers visualise a room, analyse it's problems and then define the solution.
Our industry techniques can then be applied to any room in your home and provide a strong foundation on which to create a fabulous, relaxing and stylish home.
Each seminar is limited in numbers so that we can give you and your friends our individual attention. We create a lively, interactive and hands-on approach so that you have basic skills as well as technical theory to take home and WOW your friends.
Seminar Price: £35
Seminar Date: 2nd March 2010
Seminar Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Seminar Location: St Albans, Hertfordshire
To secure your place on this unique and invaluable seminar, REGISTER TODAY by contacting our creative director Gwendoline:
Tel: 07841 519802
Thursday, 14 January 2010
New for 2010...Design Dilemma
Our clients have told us that there are times when they wish we were sitting on their shoulder so our new and innovative DESIGN DILEMMA service is for those individual moments.
Our aim is to be there to guide you with those small annoying and one-off questions that you have with your home and it's interior. For the times when you have a specific question about your home and you don't know who to turn to.
It's great for those of you remote to us as our Design Dilemma service is aimed at answering all of your questions by e-mail, with no site visit required, we're your Agony Aunt for interior design.
Here's an example from Peter in Oxford:
"I've recently been made redundant and am now working from home. I'd like some ideas to revamp an under-utilised box room into a home office with a corporate and professional style. I'm hoping this will re-energise me in finding a new and exciting job."
All of our lives are constantly changing, especially with uncertain times for Peter, so it's a great idea to review how you use your home and optimise the space within it.
Peter's main problem is a colour scheme for the room, ie: something professional and corporate within a limited budget.
For Peter, we recommend a Silver and Plumb colour scheme:
Silver is a fabulous masculine colour and a great alternative to a neutral cream or white base. It will give that corporate feel that he's looking for. We recommend silver rather than grey because of its light-reflective qualities in such a small room. To further enhance light-reflective qualities in the room, we recommend a paint type of soft-sheen or silk rather than matt.
Silver looks fantastic with most colours and would look bang-up-to-date with Pantone's 2010 Colour Of The Year - Turquoise.
For Peter though we're recommending a strong purple, Plumb, accent colour. This is the colour of the Kings and denotes power and affluence, great when looking for a new job. It's also a spiritual colour and should help balance his uncertain times.
When used in excess, purple could lead to introversion or suppression so we recommend limiting it's use to one wall, and even then only 2/3rds of the wall as shown below:
Here's what Peter had to say:
"I'm very pleased with the way it's turned out - it's a breath of fresh air. It signifies a strong, professional and corporate image. It's just what I wanted - a highly effective home office environment."
Put your questions forward for us to review today, just like Peter, then visit our website ( and complete the ENQUIRY FORM on About US.
Our design dilemma service is totally free and it's an opportunity for those of you remote to us to receive our expert knowledge and guidance.
As we mentioned above, it's an opportunity for us to sit on your shoulder and help you out with those small, one-off incidental questions.
Why not visit our website today ( and complete the ENQUIRY FORM on About Us with your individual Design Dilemma.
We'll showcase the most frequent design dilemmas on our blog so that others can also learn from your problems. A problem shared is a problem halved!
Here's to an exciting start to 2010.
Always here to help you,
Tel: +44 (0) 7841 519802
Thought for the day... Fine art can really make you sick!!!
Their symptoms include heart palpitations, dizziness and stomach pains. The typical sufferer is a single person between 26 and 40 who rarely leaves home.
Dr Magherini believes the syndrome is a result of jet lag, travel stress and the shock of an overwhelming sense of the past. She says, "Very often there's the anguish of death."
The disorder was named after the nineteenth-century French novelist who became overwhelmed by the frescoes in Florence's Santa Croce church.
Why not try out the top spots: Michelangelo's statue of David, Caravaggio's painting of Bacchus and the concentric circles of the Duomo cupola.
Remember to take a friend with you, just in case!
Tel: 07841 519802
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
My winter wonderland


Interior Design Trends for 1Q2010
Not to miss out, make sure you're on our distribution list today:
Creative Director
GA Interiors.
Tel: +44 (0) 7841 519802
Thought for the day...Make the most of the Snow, Declutter!
Today my children are tackling the 'play room' cupboard that's bulging at the seams with board games, art materials, videos and DVDs. It's going to be fun.
It's an ideal day when we can potter in our home and take our time reminising through their belongings deciding what to keep and what to let go of. But remember, just because you're ready to let go of their things doesn't mean that they will be ready to get rid of it.
Helping anyone let go of items is part encouragement but it's also sharing the memories with them and then finding ways of keeping that memory alive.
For example, one of our client's decided to keep a piece of artwork that reminds her of her grandmother but she let go of the bulky piece of furniture that was a 'white elephant' in her home.
I'm never going to part with my teddy bear that my grandmother gave me when I was 7 years old but I have very little else from my childhood.
For my children, they each have a 'treasure box' for special memories. When they come home at the end of a school term with loads of artwork and school books, they're encouraged to only keep special pieces and stick them into a scrap book.
It's good to have memories and things from the past, as long as they don't clutter your life. Now when we say clutter, the things could either clutter your home or clutter your mind.
We have many ways of helping you to let go because we recognise clutter personalities and clutter triggers.
Clutter personalities are the reasons why you tend to keep things, eg: maybe the item has special memories of your grandparent or perhaps you're not ready to let go of a specific part of your life.
Clutter triggers are events that cause clutter, eg: the washing, the ironing and the post.
As lifestyle designers we work with you to make your home both practical and beautiful within the remit of your lifestyle. Tidying your home should be effortless, not a chore! Clearing up should be easy, not a bind!
Here are a just a few of our client's thoughts of our declutter services:
"I have learnt such a lot from Gwendoline's work to support us in decluttering our house before a sale. She created a really positive environment for us, so much so that we were reluctant to leave when the sale went through so smoothly and swiftly thanks to her ministrations."
Mrs de Rivaz
"Thank you for sooo much for all your wonderful help and support this last month - you have made a huge difference to our lives!"
Mrs Lazarus
Why not contact us today for your personal 1-2-1 chat,
Creative Director
GA Interiors
Tel: +44 (0) 7841 519802
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Thought for the day...Take a step forwards and be counted
It's not about sitting at home in your snug and secure environment, it's about getting out and seeing what you can achieve.
Your aim should be to take on board something new, and it doesn't have to be something huge or magnificent. It could just be wearing a bold colour instead of black, or even adding a red lipstick or a bold tie to your sombre outfit.
It's about taking you out of your comfort zone to have the courage to take on board new experiences.
Not only will this make you more creative but it will also lift your self-esteem. We all have bad days when we need a little lift so practice today the skills you'll need for tomorrow.
Have fun and enjoy the day,
Creative Director,
GA Interiors.
Tel: +44 (0)7841 519802
Publication...Raring2Go - Let's declutter with the kids
Our article will cover our top tips for decluttering with the children! It's never an easy task but one that we can make just that bit easier with our top tips and expert techniques.
To receive your own copy of Raring2Go contact or visit their website ( for more creative ideas for children.
Creative Director,
GA Interiors.
Tel: +44 (0)7841 519802
Monday, 4 January 2010
How To...Prepare Your Home For Sale
A better presented home
great photos
improved marketing material
increased buyer interest
greater opportunity to sell.
Follow these top tips now to help you achieve a quick sale at the best possible market price:
1. Know your buyer
As Ann Maurice, presenter of House Doctor on Channel 5, was reported as saying "buyers buy with their emotions, not with their heads".
In the current buyer's market, your buyer not only wants the 5 bedrooms with en-suite plus off-street parking, but they also want your lifestyle to live up to their expectations. They’re buying the dream.
The more information you have about your potential buyer, the more able you are to style your property to match their criteria.
2. Give each room a clear identity
A buyer is often confused by poor use of space, ie: when it is unclear to them what the purpose is for a particular room.
Each room needs a strong identity that shows, through furniture placement and accessories, what the purpose is for that space.
We all have that junk room or dumping ground but when you’re selling your home this needs to be turned into a useful space such as an office or children’s bedroom.
3. Keep it real
Style your property in a way that suits the character of property and meets the expectations of the potential buyer, eg: styling your home like a show house is not suitable to a country cottage.
The key is to have sufficient accessories to add interest and character in your property, after all it is a lived in home you’re selling. However it's a fine balance as having too many items in a room will detract from the space in each room or the character of the property.
4. Entice buyers in
Quite often designers talk about ‘kerb appeal’ and this just means enticing the buyers through the door by presenting the front of your property in an attractive way.
For example: make sure any rubbish bins are out of sight, address any peeling woodwork with a lick of paint, ensure all hedges are neatly trimmed and check all outside lights are working correctly by replacing any faulty or broken bulbs.
All of these simple touches show the buyer that you care about your home and it’s a worthwhile place to live.
5. Space Sells
If your home is full to bursting then this sends a message to the buyer that there is no room for them to move in - it's quite often a deal breaker!
In preparation for your move, it’s a great idea to sort through and clear out any unwanted items.
As you’re clearing out the items, it’s also a good idea to put the duster around and give your home a spring clean. Your home should sparkle and shine prior to any viewing. It’s like going to a hotel where you know there have been hundreds of people there before you but you don’t want to be reminded of it.
Your home should also be clean and tidy to maximise the space and light in each room.
All of these tips will help you maximise the property for sale by showcasing the space and usability of each room.
Whenever we style your property for sale, we always take into consideration any furniture or accessories that are already available in your home. We then work with these as a basis to create a design that appeals to your target buyer.
For anyone selling an empty property, we are able to either hire or buy furniture and accessories to create a wonderful home that's a delight to market.
Why not contact one of our interior designers today for a personal consultation of your individual requirements:
Creative Interior Designer
GA Interiors
Tel: 07841 519802
Radio Verulam, Tracks of Your Life Sun 10Jan 2010, 10am
The place to be this weekend is snuggled at home listening to Radio Verulam.
This Sunday (10Jan2010) is the airing of our very own Creative Director, Gwendoline's Tracks Of Your Life (10:00 - 12:00 am GMT, 92.6FM).
It will be a fun filled session with Elspeth Jackman, from Radio Verulam, of Gwendoline's top 14 songs of her life.
Tracks Of Your Life will give you a personal insight into her life and her family with many of the songs having you dancing around the kitchen.
Don't worry if you're not close to a radio as you can even catch the airing on the internet, Bring out those iphones!
Why not compile your own top 14 songs today and pass the list onto your friends or post your list here and we can find the most popular songs.
Creative Director,
GA Interiors.
Tel: +44 (0) 7841 519802
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Thought for the day... Feed The Brain
What's for lunchdinner tonight then? - a thrilling novel? the daily tabloid? A research paper? Twitter postings? A blog article? - endless possibilities.
Why not take 10 minutes to read something different tomorrow? Choose something that you wouldn't normally review. Maybe you could borrow something from a friend and experience their interests and preferences.
Remember: if you always do the same things in the same way then you'll get the same results.
Shake things up a little tomorrow and let me know how this affects your day.
Tel: +44 (0) 7841 519802