Tuesday 5 January 2010

Thought for the day...Take a step forwards and be counted

Today's thought for the day requires courage.

It's not about sitting at home in your snug and secure environment, it's about getting out and seeing what you can achieve.

Your aim should be to take on board something new, and it doesn't have to be something huge or magnificent. It could just be wearing a bold colour instead of black, or even adding a red lipstick or a bold tie to your sombre outfit.

It's about taking you out of your comfort zone to have the courage to take on board new experiences.

Not only will this make you more creative but it will also lift your self-esteem. We all have bad days when we need a little lift so practice today the skills you'll need for tomorrow.

Have fun and enjoy the day,
Creative Director,
GA Interiors.

Tel: +44 (0)7841 519802
E-Mail: gwendoline@ga-interiors.co.uk

Website: www.ga-interiors.co.uk
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