Sunday 24 January 2010

Thought for the day...You can lead a horse to water!

As the saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it."

With this in mind you should remember that just because you give someone information or professional advice doesn't mean that they are ready to accept it or act on it.

Your advice is most effective when it is given at a point in time that is meaningful to them. At a time when they can apply the information and take positive action. Otherwise, you need to drip feed the information until they are in a position to respond.

For example, our clients are suprised when they have recommended us to their friend and that friend has not been in touch immediately. We, however, are not suprised as we know that their friend will be in touch when they are ready to take our professional advice on board.

Remember: just keep putting the water out for the horse and it will drink when it's thirsty.

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